Top 5 Linguistics Schools in the World

Hey everyone, I'm Sam Clark with Crimson Education, and this is the Top 5 Linguistic Schools in the World. A bit of a disclaimer before I start this list, this list is based on the QS World Rankings, which are based on such factors as employer reputation, academic citations per faculty member, and more. 

So it's by no means the definitive list of the best linguists of schools in the world. However, it's a pretty good ranking. 

But just because these are the top five linguistic schools in the world according to QS, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's the best linguistic school for you. 

So if you want to find out what the best school is for whatever it is that you're interested in studying, be it linguistics, or be it something else, click the link below in the description, 

and it'll link you to a free academic consultation with one of our academic experts who can talk to you about getting into the schools of your dreams, what those schools might be, and what the next steps could be with you and with Crimson Education. 

With that out of the way, let's get started. 

Number five on our list is Harvard University. 

The Department of Linguistics at Harvard University places a large emphasis on linguistic theory, historical linguistics, and the cognitive aspects related to language and to the development of language. 

A very exciting development in the Harvard linguistics department in just the last couple of years was the addition of American Sign Language, or ASL, as a course of study that you can pursue. 

Another exciting development at Harvard in recent years was the Mind Brain Behavior or MBB initiative, which was founded to support faculty doing research in areas relating neuroscience to linguistics. 

Number four on our list is the University of Edinburgh. 

Linguistics students at the University of Edinburgh can study purely linguistics, or they can enter an interdisciplinary program with linguistics and cognitive science. 

University of Edinburgh linguistics program focuses a lot on flexibility, having students choose core classes right at the beginning, but then they can explore quite a bit in years two and three of the program. 

A unique feature of the school is also that you can study the Scots language, and it's one of the best universities in the world to study the Scots language. 

Third on our list is the University of Maryland. 

The Department of Linguistics at University of Maryland, College Park combines a lot of theoretical research in phonology, syntax, and semantics, as well as experimental research in language acquisition and other neuroscientific sort of offshoots of the study of linguistics. 

Another major benefit of being a linguistic student of the University of Maryland is that you have access to the Bagget Summer Scholarship Program, which provides a paid opportunity for linguistic students to do in-depth research under the close guidance of a faculty mentor. 

A major benefit of studying at the University of Maryland is its proximity to Washington DC, which is the home to many research agencies related to the study of linguistics. 

Number two on our list is University of Massachusetts Amherst. 

Linguistics majors at UMass Amherst can either just pursue a linguistics major in and of itself, or they can combine it with several other disciplines for an interdisciplinary major, which is something they actually encourage their students to do quite frequently. 

UMass Amherst linguistics program is also home to several labs, including the Language Acquisition Lab, the Sentence Processing Lab, and the Center for the Study of African American Language. 

These are world renowned in the world of linguistics. You probably haven't heard of them until now. 

But if you were a linguistics person, you would know about them. 

And number one on our list is MIT. 

the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MIT's linguistics program has a very scientific focus, which might not be a shock given that it's MIT, and they're really, really focused on our genetic predisposition as human beings to forming and understanding languages. 

So you can be sure that if you're researching linguistics at MIT, you're not only going to be learning languages yourself, but you're going to really, really be understanding how it is that languages have been formed, and why we as a human race created language. 

There's a lot of students who work on computer science and work on linguistics, who work on data analytics and work on linguistics. 

So you can be sure that if you're at MIT, you'll be studying not just linguistics, but a whole wide swath of technological applications of what you're learning in your linguistics classes. 

That was the Top 5 Linguistics Schools in the World according to the QS World Rankings. As I said before, it's not the definitive list. 

There are a lot of other incredible linguistics schools all around the world. 

And if you're interested in linguistics, or interested in any other academic discipline and want to go to the school of your dreams, click the link below and you'll get connected with one of our academic experts on a free consultation.

And they'll walk you through the application process, talk to you about your reach schools, your realistic schools, etcetera.

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